Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Crazay!

Hello hello! I had a fabulous day yesterday!

Coffee, powerade, cottage cheese, hot chocolate.

Today, not so much.

Coffee, berries
v8 juice
light soup, bread
Melba toast, hummus
Half of a chicken breast

and...OINK ALERT: a brownie

Anyways, here's to beginning a new week determined to NOT eat sh*t like brownies! Let's live this week like the healthy-skinny-happy ladies we are!


Friday, March 5, 2010

Rats...and happy friday!

Yesterday I did well. I've been doing well yet still hovering around 120.

B:Coffee, raspberries
L:protein shake

bad stuff: a few bites of RICE (oink)
3.5 hrs of hard working out.

This has never happened before, this getting stuck thing. Hoping if I stay diligent the numbers will respond?

Perhaps I'll buy a case of diet green teas and have one with lunch to re-rev the'd think the working out would do that? Oh well.

I have my head on straight and I'm not going to be unhealthy just because it's Friday!

Gotta get healthy-skinny-happy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oops...pic from last post.

Usually I'm an Alessandra fan, but in some other pics of these two together, that other girl looks more young, healthy, and vibrant!

One day at a time!

By the way, a positive attitude really helps I think! And enough sleep :)

I did well today!

L:Protein shake
D:Glass of milk + hard boiled egg
S: Oj

Wrk out time: 4 hrs

Anyone find it ironic that the supermodels are wearing shirts that say "I love my body?" I'd love my body if it looked like that too!
Note to self: Good for you doesn't necessarily equate to supermodel fab. GAH. K, fine. lol

Chin up ladies. Every day is a chance to get healthier, in better shape, skinnier, happier.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy March!

Yesterday was good!
B: coffee
L:protein shake
D: Soup

Today, not so good.
B:coffee, granola
L:Protein shake
D:soup, fro-yo (oink)

Anyways, off to the gym!

Work out time today will clock in at 5 hrs. Let's get skinnayyyyy!


Monday, March 1, 2010

New month. New week. Let's do this!

What beautiful skin! Healthy on the inside will make healthy looking from the outside! Duhhhh.